MP3 of Novel



Alternate format materials offer alternatives to traditional print.  Any educational materials that are converted to alternate formats such as an MP3 must adhere to Canadian copyright laws.  An MP3 can be created for anyone with a 'perceptual disability' as defined in the Canadian Copyright Act.


The Canadian Copyright Act (CCA) Section 32(1) outlines, very specifically, the acceptable creation and use of alternate format materials for individuals with disabilities. In simple terms, the act allows for an individual with a perceptual disability, or an agent acting on behalf of that individual, to create, acquire, or use an alternate format of a copyrighted work as long as that alternate format is not large print or is not commercially available. The act further defines ‘perceptual disability’ as one that prevents or inhibits access to standard print materials due to a visual impairment, a physical disability or a comprehension disability (ARC -BC. Alternate Format Educational Materials (FAQs).  2008)



If you have a student that finds text difficult to read because of a 'perceptual disability' connect him/her to the MP3 of TKAM. You can do this in a variety of ways.  Below are two ways that you can access/create an MP3 of the novel TKAM.


1.  Join - it is free to sign up - The publishers say that Rocketbook MP3s have been upgraded to AAC file format for better integration with iPod and iTunes. To download an audio Rocketbook simply click the link Rocketbook Online Study Guide: TKAM and save the file to your computer's local drive. The file can then be opened using either Quicktime player or iTunes. If you do not have iTunes, download the free player:


 2.  If you have Kurzweil you can convert the KESI file of TKAM to an MP3 by following these steps



FYI - Never convert a KESI file from the actual image or scanned document - always from the extracted primary text document - this makes it much cleaner and more appropriate for MP3's